
Speaker schedule (at bandstand)

10:00 am Mireille LaPointe: 2 Eyed Seeing

10:40 am Darien Smith: Trash Faery Tail

11:00 am Robert Dick, Astronomer: Lighting, Shoreline Ambience and Insects

11:30 am Kelvin Hodges: Local and Global Electrification, Solar and Batteries

12:00 pm Dawson Willsey: Using Traditional and Regenerative Building- Pondering Pines Practices to Sequester Atmospheric Carbon

12:30 pm Fine Lines Designs: Pollinators & Biodiversity in Your Yard

1:00 pm Berries & Bushcraft: Kids in Nature

1:30 pm Rideau Power Greens Start Prog: Empowering Youth at Risk thru Holistic Health and Regenerative Farming

2:30 pm Better Together Circle Thank-yous

Activities and Vendors:

Judi’s whimsical felted dryer ball workshop

Fine Line Designs: Pollinator native plant seed balls & bee houses

Nancy Pearce: Print Making Banner Art

Berries & Bushcraft: nature activities for kids

Pondering Pine Designs: Learn about Hempcrete

BTC: making up-cycled baskets, Weaving, Water Necklaces

BTC Second hand clothing by donation

Luc’s Power Greens

Newboro Soap

Mark’s Up-cycled Art

Ubah’s Plants: vegetable seedlings for sale

Cory & Helen’s Plants: native plants for sale

EcoFest Westport


June 8, 2024


Lockwood Field, 37 Spring St. Westport, Ontario

Site Map: Lockwood Field

EcoFest Westport is back for a second year!

In the spirit of “it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness”, we anticipate Lockwood Park will be ablaze with enthusiasm June 8 th, for the second annual EcoFest Westport: Celebrating Connection. Proudly organized by the Better Together Circle (BTC)- join us for this uplifting event located at 37 Spring St., 10am-3pm.

With the often-negative information in the mainstream media these days, it's difficult to feel that anything we can do matters. The critical piece we want to highlight is that, at the local level, hundreds of people, organizations, businesses and youth groups are working on solutions. At EcoFest 2024, we think that by bringing the pieces of the puzzle together, we can be inspired by the big picture right here. We want to honour all the different ways we can be part of the change; through our art, our poetry, our volunteer work, and our businesses.

BTC hopes the experience will energize, lift your faith in people, tickle your creativity and celebrate connection to our community and the natural world we inhabit. Come and browse, play, purchase, listen and be amazed at our community's potential for a sustainable future for all living beings.

This festival of positivity and action brings together local groups working to restore health to the natural environment; people presenting new ideas that are light on energy, and heal the soil; people recycling, upscaling, repairing, reusing, and restoring items that otherwise end up in a landfill; experts speaking to new building and automotive technologies; hands-on activities like making wild native seed balls and wool dryer balls; speakers talking about reducing our light pollution and creating a star park; taking the lead out of fishing; educators bringing children and nature back together; entrepreneurs rethinking business models to build regenerative culture.

Mireille LaPointe honours us with making the Opening Welcome, giving the Land Acknowledgement and sharing her thoughts on Indigenous connection to the land, and Water is Life. Please join us in the Circle at 10am. After that, take in the booths, the Playzone, activities, and take the Eco Walking Tour of Westport village for more inspiration.

EcoFest Westport is organized by the BetterTogether Circle: “We are part of a caring community who want to learn, discuss and grow together. We plan community events focused on Truth and Reconciliation, environmental issues and climate change.” BTC will be hosting a table at the event with demonstrations, take-aways and ways to connect. They are grateful to have received financial support for EcoFest Westport from the Lion’s club, presenters, Westport Village and all of you who attend.

To volunteer or donate, or to apply as a presenter please contact us by email or visit our FB page.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

- Nelson Mandela.

Press Release: